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Re: numbers.

Postby Mair » Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:57:03

They haven't yet. You just get nowhere in that company by being good, and we'll see proof of that here shortly. I'm betting on it.
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Re: numbers.

Postby sewcute » Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:58:04

why? what do you think will happen?
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Re: numbers.

Postby Mair » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:02:54

Oh they're just going to start getting rid of us highly paid people so they can hire a bunch of know nothings who they only pay $10. (there is NO WAY I would do this job for that little amount of money.)
The company is just going down hill and downsizing.
My idea is this:
They're going to drive us all crazy (you wouldn't believe the number of people who have quit this summer) so that we quit. Our requirements are so out of this world that those who don't walk out because they're fed up, will get fired for not meeting the requirements.
That way...Qwest can hire people who they don't have to pay as much.
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Re: numbers.

Postby sewcute » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:10:03

oh, most companies do that. they did that at prairie meadows to my grandma
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Re: numbers.

Postby madd74 » Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:58:00

sewcute wrote:Well let's ask.

MADD!! where did you get "you might rabbit, you might"?
Mair, you wish to answer now that you know? Let us test your trivia.

Also, the problem for most of the "vets" around here is that everyone, including myself, was away for so long, that each of those days within that year are calculated. This makes posting a lot really up by .01. Such is life, and everyone including my self should make it through to another day despite it.

Yeah, not on because had been busy with work. I do not have the jep luxury of old, when jep sat around and did nothing all day

sewcute wrote:probably not, he doesn't seem to be reading just any threads, but mainly ones he started.
That is not correct, I read everything, I just do not reply to everything.

Mair wrote:And even then...only if he's not doing jeopardy (gotta impress that management, ya' know?)
Excuse me, did you just meet me today? Impress management? Give me a break! I was given jep for a reason, and there is a reason I am so busy when I am.

sewcute wrote:what's jeopardy?
Jep is a job function, very close to what Mair already said. All the tickets that are created go somewhere. Jep are the people who monitor to make sure things are going where they are suppose to go, and by the time we originally told someone it would go there. When we say a ticket will be fixed by next day at 5pm, and we see a ticket that is in the system and has an hour to be tested, dispatched out, and fixed, well, we have to do something about it. Also, some times tickets are misrouted. A tester might find that a line tests as if there is office trouble, so they "send" it to the office, yet the actual ticket is sent to the office by routing it to a tech dispatch. This will not work. The ticket will sit there, and it is the job of jep to make sure that ticket is properly sent out. Also, during times of office failure, when there is a massive problem (like a fiber line cut) and tons of people are out, the tickets that are pending for testers have to get sent over to that "bucket" so that they are addressed. When that bucket gets closed, there could be floating tickets that are related to that, yet still in the system, when they are to be closed. We take care of that also. Jep is also the help desk. When a tester has a problem with a system, or sees a pattern that might be an area outage, yet it is not reported, it is up to jep to make sure that is looked into.

Jep is the only function of Qwest that I do where I end up NOT doing other things (usually), because I am always looking into the many different types of things. Due todays, missed comm, oef (office equipment failure), CLEC (competitive local exchange carrier tickets, known as 990, because thanks to the government, when someone from an alt provider calls in or creates a ticket, we have to give it special treatment... and for once, this is not because The Company wants to, it is because the government tells us we have to), held tickets (we make sure when someone or something puts a ticket on hold, it is not forgotten and thus never taken care of), APRIL passbacks (part of APRIL's job, [which stands for something I forgot], is to make busy, idle, and call forward a line at a customer's request... some switch types require special handling by a department, so when the repair rep puts in the request, and it fails, then it is up to jep to call this department to make sure the line is forwarded, busy, or idle so the customer can get calls), and of course, answering questions of testers who are either not sure what to do with a ticket, or have something checked when the regular system is down.

So when I get this function, I do not have time, just like many times when we are in queue, and I am not calling a department and put on hold forever, you also do not see me in the forums. I was given a job to do, and the job is important to the company, as well as the customers. In taking calls, the work jumps right to me. In doing tickets, I look for the work, I know what I am looking for, and when it is not there any more, I move on to the next, however, it is one thing and finding the work is easy. In jep, I have to bounce around, know what I am looking for, determine if it is a problem, document it, then attempt to determine where I am going to go next in lieu to what time it is, remember what I already checked, and think if it is time to go back to that, because doing X, then moving to Y, I might have to check X again in the middle of Y, while I prepare for Z, and finish up Q.

Mair wrote:Right...

He's pretty respected around there. However...the way they work if they need someone to go...the good ones will be let go first. Qwest has NO loyalty to their employees.
Why thank you Mair.
I will have something here... at some point...
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Re: numbers.

Postby sewcute » Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:21:34

actually mine has gone up QUITE a bit since I started this thread. I believe I am now up to .6!!!

I know about it the time not using it effecting what the number is.

but yeah, I am sure if I did the math I could figure out exactly how many posts I would need per day to take mine up to 1.
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Re: numbers.

Postby Mair » Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:47:21 came from a bugs bunny cartoon. That's where my memory ends. Sorry
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Re: numbers.

Postby sewcute » Fri Sep 21, 2007 18:00:44

it's all good.
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