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Subscribe to this Topic for instant Jarin Updates

Postby madd74 » Fri Sep 14, 2007 19:50:04

This topic is where all the updates of Jarin Martin shall be posted. At the bottom of this topic, should be a button/link "Subscribe Topic". If you are registered to the forum and click on this, you will get an email each time the topic is updated. Please note, if you want everything, including small talk, there is a link/button that shows "Subscribe Forum" that you can click that will tell you any time anyone posts something. Believe it or not, I do plan on faster and better updates than I have been doing of late. Subscribing will give information regarding:

-events, like a birthday, with information as to when, where, etc
-picture updates, when new pictures are uploaded
-updates such as first tooth, and anything else regarding Jarin

So basically, anything happening with Jarin, will get posted to this topic. It is locked so that other people do not reply to it, and you only get notifications about Jarin updates. Please make sure that you have your spam filters (if any) set up to accept email from so that you get the email. If you have activated your account, you should have already gotten this email. If you are experiencing trouble with this, please visit the support forum, or contact me, thanks!
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Jarin Update 070913.4x - 6 month

Postby madd74 » Fri Sep 14, 2007 20:15:02

ish... Jarin celebrated his six months on the 8th of this month.

At this point, Jarin is "chatty", even though no one can understand him.

When put on his back, it takes only seconds for him to roll over to his belly. While he cannot crawl yet, if he wants to get to another side of the room, he will actually roll over there. Cords and plastic bags are his favorite toys... :sigh: much to the dismay of his parents.

At this point, he has moved to "solid" foods. Solid is defined as banana, carrots, sweat peas, sweat corn, and peas. We have a very funny video of him attempting to eat peas... I did not realize a baby could react that way to food, I thought it was more a psychological response of "older" people, like 2 year olds!

Speaking of media, I know a LOT of people are wondering where the pictures are, and I have a lot of them, and will have them converted and put up to a new system (same address, however, you will not have to change any bookmarks or the like). It will take me a little while, however, I shall comment when this is complete and ready, and I am sorry it has taken me so long.

Today, Friday, Jarin was taken in for his six month check up. He currently comes in at 27" (up 1.5" from 7/13) and 15lb 12.5oz (up from 13 lb 11.5oz on 7/13, meaning he is gaining a pound a month!) He got his shots, and recovered quickly from it. His next appointment is scheduled for December!

Jarin currently sleeps rather well, even though when it is ready for bed, he normally wails out when he is tired and ready for bed. There have only been a few times when he did not stay asleep as we would like, or would wake up and stay up at odd hours.

At this point, his hair is extremely long, so it does not seem to have slowed down, and while many babies born with lots of hair seem to lose it, this is not the case with Jarin.
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Jarin Update 071008.1x - 7 month

Postby madd74 » Mon Oct 08, 2007 22:14:29

Well, Jarin is at month seven, and he is extremely mobile. His favorite toy is "anything out of the way that mom and dad do not want me to grab", and boy does he play with a lot of those toys. Jarin moved to his first 2 food, a beef stew blend. Jarin is pretty much into saying "dada", and it is the cutest thing, as I sing a song to him and he usually will attempt to repeat it, even though it is not actually "dadda". So his first word will most likely be "dadda", as "momma" does not seem to be natural for him.
I will have something here... at some point...
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Additional Update

Postby madd74 » Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:42:26

Now sure how I could forget this important update, for Jarin now holds his bottle when he eats.
I will have something here... at some point...
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