right now 1018 0142a

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right now 1018 0142a

Postby madd74 » Sat Oct 18, 2003 0:45:24

-right now: am, not pm... well... I was almost motivated to do something productive... instead, I chatted. It is not that chat is not productive, it is just I get little done on my computer when I chat... except chatting, and very rarely has chatting been on my todo list... it has grown rather... out of control, and I hope to post it soon thus people can grill me about all the things I still have to do. i guess motivation is my other problem... and I have not been motivated to do a whole lot of late... and that is an understatement. I believe now is a good time to pass out, even this insanely early time
I will have something here... at some point...
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